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Thoughts & Inspiration

Do not dare God to do anything.

His reply is sure to be a million times more powerful than anything you could have possibly expected.

The week of training camp, God revealed that he was tuned in very clearly to me despite any doubts that I had as to whether He was listening at all. The first day there, I related to a talk about how Western culture has tamed our world view of Christianity so much that we have set boundaries and limitations for what God can and cannot do. Hebrews 13:8 says that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever”; therefore, why shouldn’t Jesus be able to perform miracles as He did during His time on Earth? I certainly didn’t believe with my whole heart that Jesus could powerfully move in such a way today. If he could, why had I only heard stories of others’ miracles and never experienced it for myself? I wrote in my journal this day and asked, “Lord, change my world view for good with an experience”. I so desperately desired for God to destroy the “God-in-a-box” view that the world had defined for me.

During quiet time the next morning, I wrote down, “I want to experience your miracles. Forgive me for making you such a small God. You are a God of miracles”. At this point, I felt that God was saying to me, “Everything in My Own time”, and I surrendered the idea of His revealing Himself to me. Little did I know, this prayer was about to be answered in a mighty way, and the rest of the morning went a little something like this.

Grief. “Grieving the Seasons of our Lives” was the ever-so-light topic on the agenda for first thing in the morning. These words struck me: “We must grieve the painful losses of the past seasons of our lives before we can effectively embrace the present and the future”. I was sitting next to Carly Blalock, and we couldn’t help but finally break down and be vulnerable with God. Jesus was preparing our hearts to receive what he had for us next. Healing. Everyone began praying for one another for healing, emotionally and physically. Carly and I sat on the ground in a circle with several other people praying for Jesus to heal her shoulder that she was expected to have surgery on when we got back from our trip. Before we prayed, Carly showed everyone how she could pop her shoulder ridiculously out of place. We prayed for stability in Carly’s life and shoulder, and as it shook and popped, you could actually FEEL the healing occurring inside. Read her blog to hear more about this, . It was like nothing I had ever experienced, and honestly, I did not expect that to happen in the slightest. Both of our faces lit up with excitement and a look of utter disbelief. Immediately I thought of this verse,

“Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” Mark 10:15.

After seeing Carly’s miracle, I thought why not give it a shot for myself.

I have had two ACL reconstruction surgeries and a meniscus repair throughout high school, and my biggest fear for this trip has been that I will injure my knee yet again. The same circle of girls put their hands on my knee and began praying for healing. You probably think I am crazy right now, but you cannot even describe an experience like this. My leg was hot and shaking. I couldn’t even tell if peoples' hands were on my knee or not. All I could feel was the hand of God working inside my leg. I literally sound crazy now. There is really no denying, though, that what I felt was real. While praying, a girl in the circle addressed my worst fear and greatest love and said, “God will protect you when you play soccer with the children in Honduras”. I haven’t played soccer in so long that I can’t even remember the last time, and if you hear my testimony, my knee surgeries are a large part of it. God took away my ability to play so that I would come to Him, and now that He officially has my whole heart, He seems to be sharing my passion with me once again.

The week following training camp I was on a Young Life sailing trip in the Bahamas, and one day our reading passage included this verse,

“He said to her, Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering”. Matthew 5:4

God answered many of my prayers these past two weeks, and I have never felt more free in Him.

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12 responses to “You were, You are, and You always will be.”

  1. Speechless. Just so excited about the Holy Spirit’s ACTIVE movement in your heart, Laura! That is indeed a miracle, too. The idea that God, by the Power of His Holy Spirit, can change our hearts and our minds and FILL us up, blows my mind. Praying He fills you as you grow in your knowledge of how big and mighty our Lord is. Love you!

  2. Hi Laura Your precious mom shared your blog as she and I continue to pray over each of our children. What a delight to hear what God is doing in your heart, life, and knee!!! Sounds like lots of confirmations too of God’s perfect plans for this gap year:) I plan to bring your mom lunch on Tuesday since you will be recovering from wisdom teeth surgery so i would love to bring you a milkshake or frozen yogurt if you would like. I will check in on Tues morning:) You are loved!!! alison

  3. Thank you for sharing your faith with us, Laura. I’m so excited to get to watch and hear how the Lord works in and through you over the coming months. Your time abroad will impact as many people here at home as it will those in foreign countries. It is already making an impact. Joneses will be praying the whole time.

  4. Laura! This is beautiful! I love reading your blog and getting to see what God is doing in you! I am so excited to be on a squad together! You are amazing! Praying for you!
    Love you!

  5. Thanks Kacey! I am so excited that we will be together in Honduras. Can’t wait to see you again and catch up! I will be praying for you, sweet girl! Love you!

  6. You got your miracle and SO much more!! God rocks and I am so thankful that we got to experience this together. I cannot wait for all that God will do through and too us as we give ourselves completely to Him.I love you!!

  7. Laura! I LOVED reading this! So powerful! God is going to use this story to change lives, and I am so excited for that! And we are playing tons of soccer with the kiddos in Honduras, k!? k!! 😀

  8. Laura, what a powerful witness of the miracles! Looking forward to keeping up with your travels. We are praying for you daily! Much love, Libbie Key

  9. Laura-what an inspiration you are to all of us! God is already so evident in your life and I cannot wait to see what He does on your trip. Praying for you…I love you lots!

  10. Laura, I love what God is doing in your life and heart…. wow! Praise God for his healing miracles and everlasting grace. Girl, the day I met you I felt God was stirring some insane things within you and that you had the gift of influence. An influence that isn’t in your face, but humble and silent. When you injured your knee again in Belize, it felt like God was calling you even more to draw closer to him. Even so, you still made a huge impact on your teammates and the kids there. So proud of you and excited for this new journey!

  11. Abby- Thank you, and I cannot wait to see you again! It’s crazy that we are leaving in less than a month now! Can’t wait to play soccer with you!!!

    Mrs. Key- Thank you for your prayers and for following me on this journey! Y’all have been so kind to me! I hope to see you soon.

    Kathleen- I love you!!!! You have been such a great friend this past year, and I can’t wait to come home and tell you about everything!

    Kathy!-I have loved getting to talk to you about what all I am experiencing! Thank you for being such a wonderful part of my life! Thanks for your prayers! Love you!

    Mrs. Alison- I appreciate your prayers so much over the years! God has definitely shown me recently that this is His plan for me!! Thanks for offering to bring me a milkshake! I’d love one! My wisdom teeth surgery actually got changed to next Thursday, though. Thank you for being such a sweet friend to my mom!

    Alycia- It is crazy how much has changed over this past year, but my interest for this trip definitely came about during our time in Belize last summer! Your going on the World Race inspired me. It’s awesome to look back and see how God was slowly guiding me in this direction. God is so good! I miss you, and I hope you are doing well.

  12. Ive read this so many times but never post a comment because i have either been hysterically crying, quickly sharing it with a friend or just recently reading it to vince. I worry about my knee on our upcoming trip. In high school i tore my acl playing softball and then again on a sking trip. Now im hesitant to do anything that isnt on flat ground to include playing freeze tag with coates in the yard and wyldlife games. Yesterday i caught myself chasing a baseball that coates finally made contact with after about 50 attempts i pitched. We were both so excited! As Coates took off to run the bases in hopes of an in the park homerun i took off after the ball to throw him out…..not once did i worry about hurting my knee again and i am positive it is because i was giving God all the glory! Its amazing when we give it to God that our worries just go away. It amazes me how your experiences across the world related so closely to those in my own back yard. You are a blessing and an inspiration! Love – Mrs. Amber