
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This past month, I have been asking God, "Where are your miracles? Why can't this person be healed? Where are the people being raised from the dead?"
This past summer, I experienced God like never before. 
At Teen Challenge, I witnessed healing… the healing of a knee, the healing of an STD, the healing of broken hearts. 
This past summer, I also witnessed the healing of my own dad.
I witnessed miracles one after another. 
I think I expected everyday of my life from then on to be as eye-opening. 
In that season of my life, though, God was building up a faith in me that I had never had before. He was showing me the things that He could do in others and in me.

He was basically shouting,

"Here I am. You can no longer doubt me and turn away from me. You can no longer pretend like I don't exist in EVERY aspect of life, not simply in the parts where you allow me to exist."

He seized my heart.
In this season of my life, though, He is teaching me patience. 
He is teaching me to trust Him… to trust that He can do anything, to trust that He works in peoples' lives and hearts in ways that I cannot see, to trust that things happen for reasons that I will not always understand, to trust that He moves in His own timing.
He has given me a choice.
And I choose in.
I choose to believe that God heals even when I don't see the immediate results.
I choose to walk in the fact that God plants seeds in the hearts of children when I show them His love in the classroom.
I choose to KNOW that God can move mountains.
I choose to have faith.
"We must simplify our approach to Him. We must strip down to essentials (and they will be found to be blessedly few). We must put away all effort to impress, and come away with the guileless candor of childhood. If we do this, without doubt God will quickly respond."

The SAME God that came as a man, died on the cross, and rose again lives today.

5 responses to “Not About Whether I See”

  1. “And I choose in.”

    yes. yes. yes. that’s all you have to do, sweet friend. choose it and say yes to it. even when the waiting is hard and you can’t see the stuff in front of you.

    so, so, so proud of you!
    love you and miss you.

  2. this is my favorite post of all! we miss you so much, but you’re doing such incredible things! i love you and can’t wait to hear about absolutely everything in person! be safe. praying for you every day!
    u muh guh.

  3. Laura, this is just beautiful and I can sense God’s imminent presence in your life! Trusting in HIM completely is totally surrendering it all and I struggle with this constantly. Know how proud we are of you and we are praying for you.
    Miss you,
    Lisa White

  4. My favorite post Luda. Miss you more than words can say! Even more during Christmas time. Keep letting Gods light shine so brightly through you. I know you are helping change so many people’s lives. I LOVE YOU.

  5. Praying for your Faith to grow. For your heart to “grow 3 sizes” with Him as you love Him, learn of His works, and serve Him. Thank you for heeding the call to go, for sacrificing your comforts and time with your family and friends to bring Jesus to people who are longing for a Savior. I pray you see Him more clearly as you trust Him and that He would BLESS BLESS BLESS you with more of Him, more of His presence and power. Be filled, my friend! Love you and miss you.